Friday, July 14, 2017

The Cat, the Dog, Little Red, the Exploding Eggs, the Wolf, and Grandma (Diane Fox)

The Cat, the Dog, Little Red, the Exploding Eggs, the Wolf, and Grandma
Diane Fox, illustrations by Christyan Fox
Scholastic Press
Fiction, CH Picture Book
***+ (Okay/Good)

DESCRIPTION: As Cat tries to read the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Dog insists it must be a superhero tale.

REVIEW: This book offers some fun tweaks on the fairy tale. Cat struggles to get through the story while Dog interrupts with questions about Red's "superpowers" and nitpicks the Wolf's villainous scheme. While somewhat amusing, I felt it could've done a little more with the gimmick, and there seemed to be a lot of white space on the pages, making the tale feel thinner than it was. Not a bad read, though.

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