How to Work from Home
Sadie Lankford
Sadie Lankford, publisher
Nonfiction, Business
**+ (Bad/Okay)
DESCRIPTION: Transcriber, virtual assistant, stock photographer, tutor... today, the average person has many opportunities to earn an income without leaving home -
or to run their own business from the living room. The author offers over one hundred tips for anyone who wants to earn a little money on the side, or who wants to cut the
cord altogether and be their own boss.
A Kindle-exclusive title.
REVIEW: One the one hand, Lankford is honest: as the subtitle states, these are "100ish Random Work at Home Tips, Tricks, and Ideas." On the other, she seems
less than familiar with some of her ideas, tossing them out on friend-of-a-friend recommendations or just things she may have stumbled across without bothering to personally
research. It weakens her credibility, a problem not helped by her occasionally immature writing style. While some of these ideas may pan out, others sound iffy at best, and some are so mired in scams that any true gold may not be worth the effort of sifting out the dross. In the end, while a few tips may have intrigued me, I just don't think I
can trust this person to give me career advice, despite her apparently successful "Slap Dash Mom" site.
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