Saturday, October 24, 2009

Site Updated, Reviews Archived again

I'd wanted to keep things on a monthly-update schedule, but computer issues and holiday projects conspired against me.  I lost a chunk of September to a rogue antivirus - read "malware" -  that hitched a ride on a free game I downloaded, and subsequently lost a chunk of October reloading the programs and files I lost when the shop had to reformat my hard drive extracting the rogue antivirus.  So keep an eye on your computer directories for programs you don't remember downloading, even if they look benign.  Even Norton couldn't catch this one...  Now, I'm up to my neck in projects for the holidays, in the hopes of finishing soon enough to actually enjoy the holidays.  I'm still finding some pockets of reading time, but they're few and far between.

In any event, the previous book reviews have been archived on the website.  I also went through and fixed some niggling little errors and added more Amazon links, on the theory that I'll get around to promoting the place in some meaningful fashion in the future.

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